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Feb 3rd, 2023 | Latest News

New Housing Support Grant Outcomes Framework

The Welsh Government has published the new Housing Support Grant (HSG) Outcomes Framework

The Housing Support Grant Outcomes Framework can be viewed here.

The new Framework will be implemented from 1st April 2023 and the data reporting periods will be twice a year, in line with current approach, as set out below:

Outcome Period Dates Covered Deadline for submission to WG
Period 1 1st April to 30th September 2023 30th November 2023
Period 2 1st October to 31st March 2024 31st May 2024


Summary of engagement feedback

The Welsh Government would like to thank all those who attended their engagement events last Autumn to discuss the proposals for the new Outcomes Framework. Over 190 individuals attended these events – including a Frontline network event run by Cymorth Cymru – and the feedback has been invaluable to help the Welsh Government to refine the framework to ensure it is fit for purpose.

If interested, the Welsh Government has published a report that summarises the engagement feedback, and the steps we have taken to address the feedback. For those of you who were unable to attend the engagement events, this summary also includes the background to how the new HSG Outcomes Framework has been developed which you may find helpful.

Guidance and data monitoring tool

The Welsh Government has issued guidance on applying the new Outcomes Framework and an accompanying HSG Outcomes Framework monitoring data return tool (in Excel format):

Training pack for new starters

Following the delivery of four online training sessions for HSG service providers and commissioners, the Welsh Government has published a training pack for new starters.

Example Support Plan – YMCA Cardiff

In the recent HSG Outcomes training events, Rhiannon White, Support Services Manager for YMCA Cardiff, outlined her organisation’s experience of piloting the new HSG Outcomes. Rhiannon highlighted the adaptations they had made to their support plans, to make sure they aligned with the new HSG Outcomes, and many people asked for this document to be shared. Rhiannon has kindly sent us the YMCA Cardiff support plan, so that other providers can download a copy and use it to help them to adapt their own support plans.

You can download the YMCA Cardiff HSG support plan here.